
You are in charge of your journey

Simple but true!!! We need to stay focussed and energetic whilst our bodies adjust to change. A question of time always seems to be asked……”How long will it take?”   If I am comfortable with the member of our community and I believe they are ready for the truth then I will ask them how […]

Tasty Eggplant & Smashed Tomato Sauce

Ingredients 2 x Eggplant cut into 1cm discs 1 x Red onion diced 2 x Garlic cloves diced 2 x Cans of crushed tomatoes 1 x Punnet of cherry tomatoes halved 1 x Bag of baby spinach How to: Preheat oven to 180 degrees Place the eggplant discs on a couple of trays which have […]

The many benefits of yoga explained.

Once practised only by ancient yogis of India and then taken up by the hippies of the Western world, Yoga has become mainstream and it’s easy to see why when you look at the endless benefits it provides, both physically and mentally.   The premise of yoga is to unite the mind, body and spirit. […]

6 Healthy Eating Trends

Paleo, kale, quinoa, gluten free…there has been a plethora of trends and products in the healthy eating movement over the past few years. Some have proved their worth and seem here to stay, whilst others continue to cause debate.   Here’s a look at the predictions for what’s next in healthy eating.   Hemp Foods […]

The reasons why HIIT TRAINING is effective.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) describes any workout alternating periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. Serious athletes have long been singing its praises and here are a few reasons why you should include HIIT as part of your program.   Efficiency – HIIT workouts can be done anywhere and most are […]

How much water should I be drinking?

2 litres or 8 glasses of water a day is the common mantra, which is based on the assumption that generally speaking, the body uses between 1 to 1.5 litres of water each day. Given our body is made up of 50-75% water, it’s vital to drink enough to ensure good digestion, regular bowel movements, […]


The idea of functional fitness is to give your body a practical full body workout, training your body as a complete unit as opposed to splitting it into isolated body parts. The logic behind it is that this type of training exercises your muscles in a similar way to how your body works in everyday […]

The Gluten Debate

It’s been one of the hot topics in the health and wellness industry for the last decade and gluten free goods now adorn supermarket shelves. What was once a niche market has become mainstream. So what are the facts?   Gluten is a protein contained in wheat, barley, oats and rye. It helps food maintain […]

Understanding Heart Rates

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death in Australia, with 45,392 deaths attributed to CVD in Australia in 2015. Cardiovascular disease kills one Australian every 12 minutes.*   It’s no secret that physical activity is a key contributor in combatting heart disease so it’s important to understand how the heart works during heightened activity and how […]

What’s the deal with SUGAR?

  It’s been a hot topic for years now with many high profile identities flying the sugar-free flag.  But before you decide to cut sugar entirely out of your life, it’s important to understand the good and bad sugars, where to find them and how our body reacts to each. Only then, can you make […]